Ono Jimmy's first day at sea off the Hilo Coast line.


Big Island, Hawaii.

Exciting Excerpts from the book:

I would sense the huge black presence of a wave at my ear just as it would break on us... A big one hit us hard and the boat spun round and round.  We spun out of control, end for end.  The 21-year old aluminum tiller bracket had cracked in tow on the starboard side... The motor was screaming and the boat careening up and down at full speed.  I was exhilarated, manic, laughing wildly into the wind and spray... pounding adrenaline through everybody's veins at the highest speeds possible... Jaws dropped, eyes bugged out, WHAT'S THAT?  It is the WALL OF DEATH!...  There is a confluence of ocean swells and winds.  The waves often become very steep and ferocious... The big ones were breaking directly on top.  Then the biggest one broke... One hand on the tiller and the other tightly grasping the jack line... Wide eyed looks of fear.
The brilliant full moon and the stars came out of disappearing clouds and the wind and the waves were calmed, and being alive was exquisite.

The multifaceted greens and blues of the land, sky, and water were our emeralds and sapphires in the beautiful setting that is the Hawaiian Islands... I nestle into her cockpit.  I love the feeling of my hand on her tiller as she thrusts into the rushing wind and sea.  Sometimes gentle, and sometimes rocking with wild abandoned passion.


The wind blown clouds and many colored sky turned to fire in the sunset.


The fish flashed gold and green and blue as it danced in the golden afternoon just for us.